18th wedding anniversary gift, one of a kind, unique gift, sterling silver, porcelain

Celebrating the 18th wedding anniversary with porcelain-themed gifts beautifully captures the essence of a relationship that has endured and grown over the years. Porcelain, known for its beauty, durability, and resilience, is a fitting symbol for a marriage that has weathered life’s ups and downs and still remains strong.

Jewellery made from broken porcelain plates is an especially unique gift. Each piece is handcrafted and one-of-a-kind, highlights the beauty that can emerge from something delicate, representing the enduring strength and adaptability of your relationship. Whether it’s a pendant, earrings, or a bracelet, the jewellery not only honours tradition but also makes for a meaningful keepsake.

Sending shards from your own cherished broken plate to Kimmi to create a one-of-a-kind piece of jewellery adds a deeply personal touch to the gift. This approach not only honours the traditional porcelain theme of the 18th anniversary but also gives new life to something that may hold special memories from your journey together.

Figgjo broken plate
Willow pattern, one of a kind, 18th wedding anniversary gift.
unique gift, willow pattern plate, earrings.